Saturday, October 6, 2007


What's going on everybody I'm Stefan aka "Steezy". After researching the credibility and the effect blogging has had on reaching an audience and impacting classic journalism i've come to the conclusion that most blogs are relatively reliable sources for gaining information. The bloggers all across the world are people who have carefully formulated their ideas based on their own personal gathering of information and their own emotions and opinions. Bloggers tend to try and make sure their blogs are correct because no one wants to be insulted by a reader who has the right information because they instantly lose credibilty (or whatever credibility they may have had) and also end up losing readers.

Blogs are more accessible than traditional means of communication and news because lately more and more people have been spending their time on the computer. Whether it be shopping, paying bills, keeping in touch with friends and family, meeting future life parteners etc. Since most people are using the computer more often and for more things, and since people are fixated on instant gratification blogs have become more popular thus reaching a larger audience. People are becoming more politically aware and have begun to build strong opinions, they now want to search the web for people with similar and opposite opinions to either gain new information or for purely arguments sake. People aren't able to converse or argue with the people they see on t.v. or the magazine writers but blogs are instantly interactive where they can not only communicate with the blogger, they can also communicate with fellow readers.

I disagree with the claim that blogging has significantly affected the print journalism industry because print journalism is not like live radio or CNN. Print journalism can't really compete with the real-time of blogs, radio, and television news. Not discrediting print journalism because it will always have it's place in media. In my opinion blogging has more so affected radio and t.v. broadcasting because most radio stations or channels have to give you a politically correct, unbiased view (excluding Fox News), whereas a blogger can take all the information they've gathered from classic sources and throw his or her own opinion into the mix. Bloggers are regular people who are writing to regular people, with real information and opinions that pertain to each other, without worry of losing their advertisers, or being fired by their editors. At the same time blogging is significantly close to mainstream media because mainstream media is still slightly corrupted with half information and half truths to sway the opinions of the audience. Blogs are in my opinion places to get the whole truth, and someone's entire opinion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have made some very valid points about people's opinions. I like that. In fact I did an essay in English 101 regarding today's younger generation. I believe that blogging is a form of protest but with today's advanced technology. In the sixties and seventies we were out there with posterboards on broom sticks, today we are on the web!